Henry Hess is an artist based in the Franklinton arts district of Columbus, Ohio. Hess works primarily in mediums of paper, canvas, wood, paint, and marker.
Despite living his entire life in the new millennium, his tastes are decidedly 20th-century. Henry surrounds himself with the characters of classic movies, mostly musicals.
His process begins with endless hours of viewing. His obsessive watching of movies, such as Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, The Wizard of Oz, and Mary Poppins, occurs in many stops and starts.
Henry watches a scene over and over, studying in detail the set and costumes. When he sets out to draw or paint, he will create an entire contour of the figure in black and then bring the figures to life with color. They are more than characters to Henry, they are friends who infuse him with a passion to create.
Despite his near-constant need to create his desire to make anything based on a rubric is non-existent. His fervor to craft a new world for himself is not dictated from the outside, but rather from within.